Friday, July 31, 2009


Yes, it's been awhile since I posted. I'll warn you know, this is a long, somewhat boring post!

This week I have felt AMAZING, and am taking full advantage of it. I have been cooking and baking up a storm and spending lots of time with the girls and friends. I always forget how little gets done when you don't feel good. The past 12 weeks passed very, very, slowly as I was exhausted and nauseous through it all. However, I am starting to see blue sky and this week has flown by. I haven't had a nap since Sunday...and it's Friday, woot-woot (that may have something to do with Miya only having one nap all week :( )

Miya...what is going on with Miya. She has stayed out of mischief for a while now. She still LOVES reading books, which we do for at least an hour every day (most days it's closer to two). She is getting excited for baby #3. I don't think she totally comprehends the situation yet as she thinks she has a baby in her tummy too. A highlight of her week (actually last week) was been eating sweet corn. Corn is her favorite to begin with, she asks for it at every meal. So when we had sweetcorn last week she was very excited. I told her she had to eat everything on her plate before she could have sweetcorn. Well, it was gone within 5 min (a record for miss pokey eater) and she then devoured 2 entire ears of sweet corn. We have never had such a quiet meal. So of course we did it again later in the week...aah peaceful meal!!

Jayden...Jades is starting to say words. Yeah!! She can say daddy, iya (miya), horsey, ah-vir (oliver), amen, and endi (wendi). She says these words very clearly, however she only says them when SHE wants to. I think we have a very strong-willed child here. We have been struggling with naps with her too, so I have started to nix the morning nap. She's not quite ready to have just one nap a day so every couple of days she'll take two shorter naps. She LOVES Miya and following her around doing whatever she's doing. This often leads to screaming since she doesn't understand the concept of sharing yet. Jayden also enjoys the beach. She is known for eating shovel-fulls of sand (no exaggeration) which we see in the diapers for the next week. Her favorite is playing with buckets full of water; she puts her head in them (to drink the very clean water of course) and sitting in them. She also enjoys getting full of sand and then sitting on whoever is in a chair. Not a fun game for the one in the chair.

The girls just seem to keep growing. I'm so thankful to be able to enjoy it!

Jayden trying to step on Miya's head.

Miya and Jackson eating snacks in the water-of course the bucket was sterilized before we put the goldfish in :)
Do you see the mischievous look in Jayden's eyes?
Jayden sitting on Miya (Miya was screaming for Jades to get off and Jayden was laughing)!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Check out the new button!!

Sunday we decided to let everyone in on a little secrect we've been keeping for the past (almost) 12 weeks. Check out the Lilly-Pie button above for the answer to the secrect! :) A lot scary, but also very exciting!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Photo's Posted.

Wendi's wedding photos (from her photographer) are posted on-line. You can check them out at this website.... Copy and paste the link into your browser, I'm not sure how to do it another way. Then, just scroll down and click on weddings and then click on Dan and Wendi. They turned out BEAUTIFUL!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

When people get together for good clean fun!

Jeffs turn again. Here is a prime example of why I think offroad racing is one of the safest sports around. We got to hang out with some of our fellow business builders at Tunnel Park in Holland. All was going really well, kids were having fun, adults were taking part in good clean fun, and we just got to hang out with some of our best, most respected friends in our business. The night was coming close to the end, and since I knew I would beat everyone, I didnt partake in the race down the sand dune. So I let all the people who thought they might come in second have a chance to win for a change :) Had the finish line been about 10 yards quicker, Dave would have won by a nose, or heal, or toe, or ankle....whatever limb of his body crossed the finish line first, as he was bent in half the wrong way. It wasnt too funny at first...he ended up with a pretty bad pulled hamstring (or in his terminology "his wheel fell off") and was supposed to go to the hospital according to John...somehow he made it a few steps, trying to be tough...and later crumbled when his body finally told him how bad it was and didnt get back up. BUT, the best part about it was...NICKI GOT IT ON VIDEO, SO NOW ALL YOU CAN WATCH AND LAUGH CUZ HE's OK!!!

Enjoy! Hope to see the rest of our buddies at the next one!

Told you offroad racing was safer


So, last night we had another one of those kodak moments. I was folding laundry and Miya came in and said "look at me mom, isn't it pretty? I did Jayden too!" Well, that's one thing we could say about it! Anyways, the girls had fun while I folded the laundry, thankfully they didn't put the WATERPROOF mascara on the carpet or walls, just their faces :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Playing Outside

So it's been awhile since I've caught the girls (on camera) doing something silly. Today I had the moment. They were both outside playing and Miya asked if she could water my flowers. It usually turns into watering each other instead of the flowers and today was no exception. However, I was not prepared to see Miya in her underwear when I peaked out the window. So I ran for my camera. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More Wedding Pictures

The wedding, which seems like forever ago, went great. Both girls successfully walked down the isle with no tears. We weren't sure Jayden was going to go because she was not herself that day. She had a fever and all, you can see in the pictures that she has red eyes and grump on most of the time. The wedding went very smoothly with no problems. The rain (monsoon) held off until everyone was seated for the wedding. We were even able to take pictures outside before the wedding started. Some people had to leave early due to flooding basements and that type of thing but otherwise everything went great.