Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Check out the new button!!

Sunday we decided to let everyone in on a little secrect we've been keeping for the past (almost) 12 weeks. Check out the Lilly-Pie button above for the answer to the secrect! :) A lot scary, but also very exciting!


jodi said...

YEAH!!!! We are so excited for you guys:) Another "buddy" on the way for Jackson.... by the way, I still am thinking that this one is a boy:)

The Petroeljes said...

Woo hoo! Heard the "rumor" today and glad to see your blog confirmed it! Congrats!! So happy for you! Nicki - how have you been feeling??

The VanderZwaags said...

Congrats! Hope you are feeling well Nicki!

Brooke said...

Hi Nicki! Jodi and I just talked about when your next little one would be arriving! Congrats! Hope you are feeling well! Your girls are beautiful!

chaddykathi said...

Congrats! How exciting for you guys! Hope all is going well so far!

Jill Sloothaak said...

Congratulations Jeff and Nicki! How fun! We are so happy for you!

Jeff & Jayna Libby said...

Congratulations Nicki - how exciting! Your girls are so adorable! It has been a long time - I hope you are doing well!

Jayna (Walters) Libby