Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Then and Now-Diapers

The picture at the end of this post may be considered a little much from some, but I thought the comparison was amazing. I honestly cannot believe she was ever that SMALL!! Everybody always told us "you'll forgot how small she really was". I thought they were crazy. How could I forget what a 2lb 2oz baby felt like...I'm the crazy one. I forgot! I think back to those first diaper changes and remember thinking I would break her, or pull out a tube, or cut off her ventilator. I was so scared. Scared to be her mom and do the things that mom's naturally do without even thinking. Pretty sure I let Jeff take charge of the first several care times. He was the one that had to encourage me to do it the first time, the one telling me everything would be okay. God has definitely given him a tremendous gift in being such a great encourager. I'm so thankful to have him beside me through thick and thin. As for little Mel, even though she just hit the growth chart she sure has grown a ton and we praise God everyday for the health and strength He's blessed her with.

Every 3 hours little Mel had her diaper changed. This was something that I actually looked forward to because it meant that we could touch her more, lift her up, and get a check on how those internal organs were operating. We would have to record the weight of her diapers (yes) and the nurses and drs. would keep an eye them. No weight in the diaper for a few in a row and tests would be ordered. Consistent weight = happy nurses, happy parents, and most of all happy baby! In the beginning diaper changes were very scary, but once we got the hang of it they were very comforting since that was the only time we could hold our littlest girl. It helped us get through the next 3 hours.

These are the same diapers!!! Yes, the diaper in the pict above is folded over because it was too big!!


Glenda said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! Love it!! Sorry are gonna hate your mom in about 14 years for putting that picture on the blog!! I think it's cute! I really can't remember how tiny she was either...
I guess that's a good thing right?!? Melanie, you sure have come a LONG way!! Thanks for the laugh! :)
Love and miss you all!!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I forgot too! it is amazing how God does that( I know it is Him) Cause otherwise we would have been terrified to be mommies to our little ones. The picture says it all!

Heather P