Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

Tuesday was the first day of Kindergarten at the Westra house. Miya went to bed super excited and woke up super excited. The girls could hardly sit through breakfast. As soon as they finished eating they ran to the school room for a bible story. They had a long wait as they needed to get dressed, do their hair, and play a bit while mom set everything up. When we finished our plans for the morning I told the girls they could go play until lunch time. They kept asking me every 5 min if we could do more school, when I said no, they would ask if we could eat lunch. They loved it.

I have to say Tuesday was one of my favorite days EVER. It was so much fun having all this time with the girls when I didn't feel like I needed to be making a meal, or doing laundry, or cleaning, or whatever else needs to be done. This time is blocked out to do school! Yes, I slipped out to switch the clothes from washer to dryer and to change a poopy diaper, but aside from that it was our own time together. My favorite part of teaching 4th grade was the actual "teaching". I loved watching the eyes of the kiddos when they caught on to something or when you could see the determination in their face as they tried their best at something that was particularly hard for them. I know it's only day 1 of school, but I have already seen this with Miya (Jayden too) and I LOVED every minute of it. I'm so thankful that we are able to teach Miya at home this year and look forward to spending so many precious hours with our girls! I know every day won't be as easy as yesterday, but I also know this is a perfect fit for our family right now.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I love this post soooooo much!!!!!! :) So glad things are going well!!!!!!!!! Payton and London will have to come check out the "Westra Homeschool" sometime! Praying that things continue to go well!!!!!!! Happy Teaching MAMA!