Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

What a fun weekend the Westra family had. On Saturday Jeff helped plant the garden. He even left for a while with Miya and came back with more plants to add to the garden. He did a great job of showing Miya how to water the plants...now we just need to teach her how to NOT walk on them! On Memorial Day we went to the parade and Miya got enough candy to last us a year. She really had no interest in eating it, she just wanted to pick it up and put it into the bag.
After the parade the family went to Binder Park Zoo in Batle Creek. Miya had a lot of fun there too. She was definitely Wendi's girl for the day; she thought she had to hold Wendi's hand ALL day. For a fee, you could feed the giraffes, so Jeff and Miya fed the giraffes. At first Miya liked feeding them, until their tongue touched her, then she didn't want to feed them anymore; she just wanted to watch.

We ended the day true to an Iowa vacation, with fishing. Jeff, Dan, and Marv went fishing and Dan was the bread-winner for the night....Jeff didn't bring home any bread. The competition will be continued...

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