Friday, May 30, 2008

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Jayden was kicking around on the floor this morning while I was checking my e-mail and Miya was putzing around. She heard Jayden toot and went running to check on her. She came back into the room I was in to tell me that Jayden 'tooted' and was 'stinky' and needed her 'diaper changed' she grabbed the wipes and went running out of the room towards Jayden. I grabbed my camera and tried to capture the Kodak moment and tried to stay hidden at the same time.

She took Jayden's pants off all by herself. She then lifted her legs up to wipe her with a wipe. She tried to undue the snaps on Jayden's onezie, but to no avail, so she kept on wiping on top of Jayden's onezie. It was very cute. Surprisingly, Miya was even gentle with Jayden. Jayden loved it, she was cooing the whole time!

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