I came across another quote in the book I'm reading "Simon Says" by Chuck Goetschel that really made me think. I'll share it with you.
"Money should never direct your life. Don' let it get a grip on you. Don't let it define you....Consider what your life would be like if you followed your passion first over the pursuit of money... Are you doing one thing to make money and squeezing in another because you love it?...."
What a great thought to ponder! I know this economy is tough right now, but does that mean we are going to change the order of our priorities so we feel more secure, or so we can keep up with the "Jones'"? My priorities are first my faith, then my husband, then my children, then my extended family and friends and
then comes the finances. So that means I will (with the help and grace of God) live my life in that order. I'm sure many of you have priorities that look exactly like that. So the question that really made me think was....
"What if you only had 18 months to live? Would you change anything about your life? If so what would it be and why would you wait?! What if you never get your "warning?""
There are some things I would like to change, and I'm currently putting together a plan to change those. I do know however, that I have been truly blessed with an amazing husband that is striving every day to live out his priorities...he is currently doing the 'action' part of his plan so he won't have to miss the precious minutes of our family growing up. He has also allowed me to be able to stay at home with our girls every single day. We have made so many memories together already in the (almost) three short years I have been able to stay home with them. And most of all we thank God for we know all of these blessings are from Him.
Mark Twain said "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do...."
So look back at what you did in this week and ask yourself 'Did my week reflect my priorities or my obligations? Do I have any regrets?'