I'm going to be very quick today...Jeff's Uncle Bruce and brother Brett made the 12 hour drive from Iowa to visit little Melanie. They were able to see and hold her yesterday. We decided yesterday was the longest period of time Melanie has been out of her bed at one time, 6 hours. She was held the entire time :)
Uncle Bruce feeding Melanie while Brett holds her!
Brett and Melanie
Uncle Bruce and Melanie
Aunt Wendi's first time holding Melanie :)
Melanie had a huge growth spurt last week, she now weighs 3 lbs 7 oz and is 17 1/2 inches long. She is still on oxygen, however, on Saturday they took her off from it for awhile to see what she would do. Yesterday Melanie and I finally connected on the nursing thing and she nursed 2 ml (woot woot). She also drinks from a bottle a little bit too. We try to keep it to two times a day so she doesn't burn too many calories trying.
And the big news.....
Sometime today she will be moved to the step-down side of the NICU. This is the place to go when babies make it past the "critical" stage and just need to focus on growning/eating. Melanie will do just fine with this transition but mom and dad may struggle a little more. We are so thankful the Lord has healed her enough to go there, however it's a change, and will take some adjusting.
1 day ago
Oh, Nicki, that is great news! The NIM side is just as good and she'll be getting the same care, just in a smaller room. :) One step closer to coming home!
What GREAT news!!! Even though probably very scary for you guys!!! Sounds like she'll do wonderful!!! And a little jealous that Brett & uncle Bruce got to hold her :) Hope everything goes well with the transition & keep growing Melanie!!!
Uncle Steve, aunt Tonia
Marissa, & Carter
We are so happy with the progress Melanie is making! Way to go Melanie! You're over 3 lbs!!!!
The Looyenga's
So happy for you, what a big step. And alittle scary, mixed emotions I'm sure. Melanie will do just fine. Another step to getting her home!! Good for you Aunt Wendi! I bet you held her longer than Dan did. One up on him! HA HA!!
Yay!!! It's amazing how far she's come! We continue to lift your family up in prayer. Wishing you a very blessed Christmas! :)
The Lord will never put you through anything that you cannot handle. Why you went through all of this is not yet visible, but rest assured, you will know some day. We are just very happy that Melanie is no longer consider at risk and that we can all take a deep breath and thank God again for his miracles in our lives. It is nice to see that she has grown so much over the past couple of weeks and so have you and Nikki.
God bless,
Larry and Debbie Kerkstra
WHAT EXCELLENT NEWS!!! It is a miracle. It is amazing how all of a sudden Melanie has grown. I am sure when Jeff's parents come they will be able to see a BIG difference in her size. We have so much to be thankful for.
Melanie looks so alert on the pictures.
Praying for you all.
Yeah!!! Way to go Melanie!! So happy for your family! What a Blessed Christmas it will be!
love Kevin and Leesa
So thankful things are going well Jeff & Nicki!!! May God give you both patience as you continue to work at feeding. It was good to see Uncle Bruce and Uncle Brett holding Melanie!!!
Barry & Patty
WOW! Prayer is being answered~she has really grown! We struggled also when our son was moved to the NIM unit, he was moved 4 times total. It is hard because you get to know and trust the nurses, but they are all amazing! Every move is 1 step closer to coming home! God bless you all and have a Merry Christmas! You are in our prayers!
Jodi Beintema
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