Friday, November 21, 2008


Jayden has discovered that it's fun to walk behind toys. She really hasn't shown ANY interest in walking until last night when she "accidentally" started walking behind the tractor. When we hold her fingers while she's standing by us she won't put one foot in front of the other. However, last night she was trying to stand-up by the tractor and it started moving. The first time she did a face plant. She got right back up and tried again and then proceeded to walk behind it. As you can tell from the video, she thinks it's quite funny...not sure I think it's so funny! Thanks for the tractor Gramma and Granpa Hokesbergen!


Anonymous said...

How cute! What a big girl!!!!! She'll be running circles around Madison by Christmas!! Oh yeah, you sure have some hot bras!!!!!! Miss you guys lots!!!

The Petroeljes said...

Oh my goodness! She's growing up so quickly!

Peterman said...

Hey! It is amazing how many people you can find just looking at other people's blogs. We should get together sometime. I work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays yet. My mom likes her 'alone time', more like spoil time. :-) But any other days would work for us.
Talk to you later!