Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a Day

I knew today would be full of fun already at breakfast. Jayden would not leave Miya alone. She kept standing up by the highchair, grabbing the tray, and pulling. She had to reach on her tip-toes to grab it; almost to the point of hanging from the tray. After she would white-knuckle the tray both girls would start laughing until Jayden fell down. Then it would start all over again. Jayden so wants to be just like her big sister (and her big sister can't seem to leave her alone these days). The next event for the day was laundry. The girls decided to do the laundry for me while I was doing something in the kitchen. Once again I noticed it was very, very quiet...except for Jayden's giggle every once in a while. So I grabbed my camera and went to check it out. Jayden was sitting in the middle of a pile of clothes that Miya was pulling from the 'clean, FOLDED' laundry basket and throwing on the floor. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I help you fold laundry mom". I replied with "thank you for your help Miya" One of the pictures below shows Miya just after she whipped a shirt into the bathroom!!

**Photos have been removed due to an forseen (by me) necessity that need not be seen by others! :)**

While I re-folded the laundry, Miya started a new trend. I know it will quickly catch on in all of your households too! I'm not sure who was the first to sport the halo of stickers, but I couldn't resist the cute photo op. Just so you know, there were no tears pulling Jayden's out. The verdict is still out on Miya...she wanted to wear them for her nap :)
What will they think of to do AFTER their naps??


donna said...

it is so fun to see your kids be such little dickens!!! Jeff should be the one to stay home with them and have to try to keep with up with those little brains. Remember you might need some of us to babysit sometime so don't show us all the trouble they can get in. LOL Thanks for the laughs. Donna

donna said...

by the way, what's that hanging on the doorknob???

Kristin said...

I am assuming whatever was "hanging on the doorknob" was what was removed?! :) Too funny! Love you guys!