Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fun Weekend

I know...it's been awhile since we posted. We had a fun weekend at Shipsee(??) for the Berens' family Christmas. There a couple of pictures below. There was WAAAAY too much eating involved however. Jeff and the girls came back with different parts of a cold. Jeff had a cough and sinus stuff, Jayden had a temperature, and Miya had a sore throat...we think. She woke up with a very raspy voice and I kept asking her if her throat hurt to which her answer was no. Well, after a while she quit talking. For those of you that know Miya, you know that is very out of character for her. This morning when she woke up, I asked her if she had an ouchie throat. Her answer "no, but sometimes my words are still at the hotel". Meaning sometimes she didn't have a voice. She always has funny stories for us.
Swimming with dad lasted a whole minute. The rest of the time the girls spent in the hot tub :)
Imagine that; a picture of someone eating from the weekend :)
Melanie did well while we were gone too. She currently weighs in at 4 pounds 10oz. She's gaining about an ounce a day. Her bottle feedings are SLOWLY improving, however slow that may seem, her nursing is improving at an even slower rate. But we know this is all in the Lord's hands and when it's time for her to come home, she will start to show more interest!
While playing house tonight with Miya we decided to dress up some babies in Melanie's clothes. They fit very well, hats and all!!

1 comment:

The Petroeljes said...

What a fun time!! Love the picture of Jayden eating! :) Saw your mom and Wendi tonight at Alyssa's game. Remind me again why I bring 2 kids to a basketball game??! Ha!
Not sure if you're joking with the question on our blog about who the lady in black was just to make me feel better about my inability to run on a big yellow inflatable - but that was me! :)