A real quickie for tonite...
After looking back at a few pictures, I looked at the pictures from yesterdays post and decided that the picture with all her clothes on didnt do her growth much justice. So when I got to the hospital, I did Melanies care time at 9 which meant I got to change her clothes and weigh her. By the way, our little porker hit 4 pounds 13 ounces tonite :) Way to go Melanie!
Melanie on day one I believe at 2 pounds 2 ounces.....
and Melanie at 4 pounds 13 ounces on day 68.(Im pretty sure thats what we're up to if I did the math right) Shes on the home stretch now though. Looking at her in her 'fish bowl' (Im not even joking. We put some water in that thing, and Cletus T. Goldfish (thats the name of Miyas pet goldfish) would have a party in there) I gotta think she isnt nearly as comfortable in there. If I could tell her how to earn her way out of that tank, I would, because I think she would listen.
The picture shows the beginning signs of baby chubbyness if my eyeballs serve me correctly.
A couple other notable notes....1) dont know if we told you or not, but Melanies eyes are both at stage 2 right now on the ROP scale. Nothing to be terrified about, however, if she hits stage 3, she will have laser surgery. They have progressed some from a couple weeks ago, but the doctors playing around with her oxygen might be able to bring it back to normal...not sure though. 2) Melaie drank out of a bottle 4 times during the day today. Finished 1 and drank over half of the other 3 I think. Its a very good sign that she has energy to do that. Remember, 16 feedings in a row buys her a one way ticket out of that joint to her long awaited home. Thats 2 days worth. 3) Grandpa and Grandma Westra, and Aunt Janelle are on there way out to visit. If my memory serves me correctly, the last time they were out, our blogging updates got a little bit stretched out. We'll do our best to keep it updated, but no promises :) No news is good news. 4) Marsha TB...I hope youre keeping up. This makes 4 you have to read now :) (Tell me Im behind on posting updates...I'll show you :) 5) Glenda...your comment yesterday was simple....yet totally profound and outstanding. Im in 100% agreement with it...IOWA ROCKS!!! (Its been fun being an Iowa fan during football season in Michigan this year...Sorry for your many losses this year Michigan and Michigan State :)
Hope youre all doing well. Thanks for the continued prayers!
1 day ago
Jeff and nicki, Do not freak about the ROP yet. Brady hit stage 3 and has not had to have the surgery. It is based also on which zone she would get level 3 so hang tight and also for us the o2 stuff worked with both kiddos!!! Nicki it was great seeing you today.
WOW! Melanie, way to go! over 4 lbs! I love the cheeks:)
Well, Jeff I just got to check the bolg again. Last night I went to check it and Bern had put you rblog in under bookmarks and the computer lost those too so today Jeanine sent me your blog again. The comparison pictures are great---can see how much Melanie grew. Can you still get your wedding band on her arm? So thankful Melanie is so close to coming home. Understand we will not be able to see her yet for a long time. Understandable.
Thank-you for the updates and I will keep checking them now.
Well, Jeff I just got to check the bolg again. Last night I went to check it and Bern had put you rblog in under bookmarks and the computer lost those too so today Jeanine sent me your blog again. The comparison pictures are great---can see how much Melanie grew. Can you still get your wedding band on her arm? So thankful Melanie is so close to coming home. Understand we will not be able to see her yet for a long time. Understandable.
Thank-you for the updates and I will keep checking them now.
She is so cute theose little chubby cheeks are the best!!! Keep up the good growing Melanie.
Love always Kevin and Leesa
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