Anyway, thanks to some great photography and filming from the Looyenga's, the daddy Miya date was a success.
Melanie now has her 1st baby. This baby says the "Now I lay me...down to sleep" prayer. Thank you for that was a daddy life saver!
Miya was soooo excited to give it to her. Also, we hung a picture of Miya and Jayden on Melanies bed so she could see her big sisters everytime she opened her eyes. Another wonderful day. We are so greatful for the blessings of children, and strive to never take them for granted. Melanie was great! Slept through most of Miyas loud talking and questioning, and she continues to look better. I even think her color was better after her blood transfusion today. (By the way Jane, no ventilator...Anne is gonna call me this afternoon to let us know if she has to have the surgery. Hopefully this will still be the case when you take care of her this weekend?!)
Hope you all enjoy the pictures and videos!
Not many things more precious than a 3 year old teaching a 2 pound baby how to say her prayers.
Again I must say this: Thank you all for your support, meals, gifts, cards, gas cards, toys, money, visits, and especially your prayers. You are all amazing people, and we love you all!
Well, I've had my cry for the day now. You are right, I can't think of anything more precious... Now to think that Miya and Jayden are right there with little Melanie all day and all night, just how God planned! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers always!
the Pastoors
Who enjoyed this more...Miya or daddy?? How precious!! Miya and Jayden you are so sweet! Jeff and Nicki you are amazing parents...everyone can see that by these videos! Thanks for being such great witnesses!! Take care!
What great big sisters Melanie has! This is too precious! Praying for your entire family!
Bryan, Renee, Dakota, and Colten
As one of Melanie's grandmas, I would like to say for anyone who feels helpless when it comes to helping Jeff and Nicki, the power of prayer is amazing. Never doubt it! We just found out that Melanie will not need to have heart surgrey after all, for the time being. Our prayers have been answered. Thank you so everyone who has prayed on Melanie's and the Westra's behalf. Rejoice and make a joyful noise. Keep up the great prayers, they are truely being answered. What an awesome God we serve. Miya and Jayden will soon be having to keep up with our little fighter, Melanie! A huge THANK YOU to everyone from our family to your's.
How absolutely precious. Miya looks happier on these videos and pictures than she did Sunday night. Happy to hear you could spend time with her Jeff and Nicki with Jayden last night.
Praying for you.
Bern and Marcia
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