WHAT A DAY!!!!!!! Lots of celebration. It started out kind of crazy because we had the girls over. What a good time! Thank you to those who got this hotel for us (you know who you are, even though we arent 100% sure) So I woke up, and as you may have seen, this morning, I (Dad) did the care time for Melanie this morning. What a beatiful 1st surprise I was in for. To get to see the eyes of your child for the first time is such an incredible moment. The nurse was gracious enough to let me take a snapshot without the top on, and I kind of got her winking a bit.
After that few minutes, it was back to the hotel to make sure our other two children knew their parents existed. Its been a little hard on them I think...Ill explain later.
We went home early this evening to put Miya and Jayden to bed and to pick up a couple things for Nicki. This....is where the only male in the family started to feel his shoulders weaken. Over the course of the next hour, the only male in this small family got to see all four of his girls cry hard.
This is where Id like to make a very personal request. The birth of a newborn requiring a lot of attention flips a typical family life upside down. It started with Jayden who absolutely didnt want her dad to put her down. She wouldnt let go and wanted me to carry her everywhere. When it was time for bed, she just cried...I assumed she was very tired, which she probably was, but it wasnt until it was Miyas turn for bed that it really hit me. I wanted Nicki to put Miya to bed becuase she hadnt spent much time with her. I went home quick to pick up the stuff for Nicki, and Nicki put Miya to bed at grandpa and grandma Berens house. When I got back, Nicki was completely in tears because Miya wouldnt let go of her when she put her down. She didnt want her to leave and was crying saying "I want my daddy!! I want my daddy!!". I got to Miyas bedside and got the longest tightest hug this girl could muster...it had to have been a couple minutes. After talking long enough, and tickling like crazy, she lauged and was good to go. Time to head back to the hospital...where our other one was again crying, minus the noise. She had a Brady while we were there, but overall she was good. However, to look in those eyes, knowing there would be screaming coming out of that 5 day olds mouth if it hadnt been for the tube that used to be down her throat from the ventilator, she would have let me know she was sick of it too.
So after all of this, here is my request. For everyone who has been praying for us, we thank you. We can feel all of your prayers, and appreciate them. If you could add one thing to your prayers, please pray for this once strong dad to gain the wisdom of how to hold this family together. To have all four of his girls crying was pretty hard today. I know it wont be easy for the next while, however, I covet your prayers to find the best use of our time to keep us as close of a family as possible.
With that, Im probably due to read the most instructive book of the Bible on wisdom to my knowledge, and that is Proverbs.
Have a great day!
We'll try to keep this updated better than we did last night.
Love you, and thanks for your prayers and support..cya tomorrow
You are definitely in our prayers. Having all four girls crying shows just how close your family is. We can't imagine what your going through, but just know that God is with you, and this too shall pass. You will make it through and your family will be stronger for it. Hold on to that and keep reading your book...it has the answers you seek. We love you dearly!!!
Hey guys! Jeff, stay strong...your family needs you, although I can't imagine how you are going to do it.....yes I do...the Lord WILL supply your EVERY need. HE promises this. Please know that there is not one prayer that has been said here without pleading to God that He sustain you ALL. We love you all so much and wish we could take away some of the burdens that you are facing. We are so glad that precious baby Melanie is doing so well today! Thanks for letting us know specifics of what we can pray for. Praying you all get some much needed rest so you can start fresh again tomorrow! We love you...as Miya would say...to the moon and back again!!
Josh, Glenda, Cambrie, and Madison
Hey guys, Just got your update from yesterday, love that pic. of Melanie, there will be many more of those eye opening moments. The girls look like they were having a ball with their dad. Keep up the good work Jeff. Just keep giving those girls your shoulder to cry on it's ok. Even though they might get alittle soggy!! Praying for all of you. Have a great day the sun is shining!! What a beautiful morning!!
Kevin, Jodi and kids
Oh Jeff and Nicki, stop apologizing for not updating us quick enough. Of course we're waiting. That's cuz we love and care for your family so much. BUT...it's not about us. I heard on CSG this morn the song "someone is prayin me through". Oh the power of prayer! I'm reminded again God is in control. What a great feeling! Lean on Him. You'll get through. Melanie is proof of your strength. She's a little Jeff and Nicki and the strength she has is amazing. I'm in awe of her and God's care for her. Praying for added strength and wisdom and another GREAT day! Love - Diane
Hey guys,
Glad to hear Melanie is doing so well! All of you are in our thoughts and prayers. It is so hard to say goodbye constantly to Dakota. I can't imagine having to do it to two kids. It doesn't get easier, but thankfully it's not forever. As the nurses keep telling me, it's only a short time in the large picture. Hang in there. Lots of tears will be shed, but I pray they're tears of joy! Thinking of you!
sending prayers this morning!!
The VanderZwaags
I know we haven't met, so this is a bit strange, but I am Alyssa Thurston's sister. She told me your story and shared the link to your blog. I want you to know that your family is in my prayers and that I really hope you learn so much through the situation and feel God's protection and comfort in this difficult time. I will be looking forward to checking in on the progress your little princess is making. I'm sure God has amazing plans for her life!! It will be fun to watch those blessings unfold.
Thinking you and praying for you, Nicki and Jeff. Trust God. He will show himself faithful to meet all the needs you have today and in the unknown future. Our hearts go out to you. Ron and Ruth
Thank you for your blog! I wish I could take away YOUR pain as parents watching their little girl go through so much. I'm glad God can do that for you. You are so right about needing to go to Him and His word in everything. She's in great hands! Please know we will continue to pray for you and for her. If you ever need to talk, please feel free to get my number from Jodi. Hugs and prayers - Sue and boys
You guys are in our prayers and yes, wisdom and strength to you all. Your little girls (and beautiful wife) sure appreciate you Jeff and you are all amazing. Thank you for sharing with us your blog, we are all praying for you and thank you for showing us precious Melanie's newest pics and love the photo of you and your sweet girls swimming, family, what it's all about. We love you all!
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